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Myspace simple survey. MYSPACE SURVEY Survey by xobudsbabii44xo taken 52637 times .: About you :.Name :Nickname :Eye color :Hair color :Fav color :Fav music : Fav band : Fav movie :Fav show : Birthday : Birth Town : Present Town :School : Grade : Style :Screenname : .: Randon : Do you :.Own ur house : Have any pets : Have any siblings : Have a Boyfriend : -- Who :Have a crush : Have a Best Friend :Own a ATV :Have Boobs : Sleep naked : Sleep walk talk :.: Have you ever :.Sat in gum : Been kissed in the rain : Danced in public : Smiled for no reason : Laughed so hard you cried : Pee'd your pants : Written a song :Sang in the shower : Performed on stage : Talked on the phone for more than 6 hrs : Gone out of your way to make a new friend : Made out in a Theatre : Gone rollerskating since 8th grade :Been in love :Looked in the mirror everytime you passed it : Kissed your mom in public : Held your dad's hand when you were scared : Tripped someone right after you helped them off of the floor : .: Who was the last myspace simple

Person who :.Said hi to you : Kissed you : Hugged you : Told you they loved you : Said Fuck You, Bitch : Wrote you a note : Took your picture : You called : Called you :Went to the movies wit you :Sang to you :Msg'd you :You wrote a poem to :.: Whats the last... :.Time you cried :Time you laughed : you dialed :Book you read : Food you ate :Flavor of gum you chewed : Shoes your wore :Store you went in : Thing you said : Time you looked at the time : Movie you watched :Joke you told : Song you sang :.: Can you :.Write with both hands : Whistle : Blow a bubble : Cross your eyes : Touch your tongue to your nose: Dance : Gleek : Stay up all night w o any sleep : Speak a different language : Impersonate someone : Prank call ppl : Make a card house :Cook : Sing : Love :Say your ABC's backwords :Hop on one foot & keep your balance : .: Finish the line :.If i were a : -- I'd :My Best Friend is :So many ppl dont kno that :My Boyfriend is : Learn to make money by taking surveys! Many companies wi myspace simple

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[ Myspace ]
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myspace simple survey Fav movie :Fav show : Birthday : Birth Town : Present Town :School : Grade : Style :Screenname : .: Randon : Do you :.Own ur house : Have any pets : Have any siblings : Have a Boyfriend : -- Who :Have a crush : Have a Best Friend :Own a ATV :Have Boobs : Sleep naked : Sleep walk talk :.: Have you ever :.Sat in gum : Been kissed in the rain : Danced in public : Smiled for no reason : Laughed so hard you cried : Pee'd your pants : Written a song :Sang in the shower : Performed on stage : Talked on the phone for more than 6 hrs : Gone out of your way to make a new friend : Made out in a Theatre : Gone rollerskating since 8th grade :Been in love :Looked in the m myspace simple survey.

myspace simple survey Irror everytime you passed it : Kissed your mom in public : Held your dad's hand when you were scared : Tripped someone right after you helped them off of the floor : .: Who was the last person who :.Said hi to you : Kissed you : Hugged you : Told you they loved you : Said Fuck You myspace simple survey, Bitch : Wrote you a note : Took your picture : You called : Called you :Went to the movies wit you :Sang to you :Msg'd you :You wrote a poem to :.: Whats the last... :.Time you cried :Time you laughed : you dialed :Book you read : Food you ate :Flavor of gum you chewed : Shoes your wore :Store you went in : Thing you said : Time you looked at the time : Movie you watched :Joke you told : Song you sang :.: Can you :.Write with both hands : Whistle : Blow a bubble : Cross your eyes : Touch your tongue to your nose: Dance : Gleek : Stay up all night w o any sleep : Speak a different language : Impersonate someone : Prank call ppl : Make a card house :Cook : Sing : Love :Say your ABC's backwords :Hop on one foot & keep your balance : .: Finish the line :.If i were a : -- I'd :My Best Friend is :So many ppl dont kno that :My Boyfriend is : Learn to make money by taking surveys! Many companies will pay to to take surveys from home! Your opinion is valuable. Want to earn spare cash without leaving your computer? Check out the links below to.

myspace simple survey told : Song you sang :.: Can you :.Write with both hands : Whistle : Blow a bubble : Cross your eyes : Touch your tongue to your nose: Dance : Gleek : Stay up all night w o any sleep : Speak a different language : Impersonate someone : Prank call ppl : Make a card house :Cook : Sing : Love :Say your ABC's backwords :Hop on one foot & keep your balance : .: Finish the line :.If i were a : -- I'd :My Best Friend is :So many ppl dont kno that :My Boyfriend is : Learn to make money by taking surveys! Many companies will pay to to take surveys from home! Your opinion is valuable. Want to earn spare cash without leaving your computer? Check out the links below to .

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[ Myspace ]