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Myspace love survey. E Surveys Quizlets Polls Create A Survey Random A-Z Index Search Top Surveys New Surveys *MySpAcE SuRvEy* Created by stevo23 and taken 134128 times on BzoinkClick to view users that took this survey --THE BASICS-- name birthdate sex relationship status shoe size parents still together siblings pets --FAVORITES-- color number time of year type of weather food drink --DO YOU-- twirl your hair have any tattoos cheat on tests like scary movies like cleaning know how to drive a standard own a cell phone collect anything --HAVE YOU EVER-- been in a fist fight considered a life of crime considered being a hooker been in love made out with just a friend hurt someone you love kicked someone in the nuts --CURRENT-- clothing hair song you are in love with cd in your stereo mood thing you ought to be doing --LOVE-- first crush first kiss first love do you believe in love at first sight do you believe in "the one" are you a tease would you ever commit yourself to someone 100% --ARE YOU-- honest sar myspace love

Myspace surveys

Castic a daydreamer up tight or laid back messy or organized shy our outgoing --RANDOM-- nervous habits are you double jointed can you roll your tongue do you make your bed daily which shoe goes on first --IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU-- bought something been sick sang missed someone gotten drunk gotten a haircut watched cartoons been kissed lied --LAST PERSON THAT-- you spent the night with spent the night with you saw you cry made you cry you said "i love you" to told you they loved you --WHAT IS-- the best feeling in the world the worst feeling in the world your greatest fear the thing you want most in life Explore Bzoink More. My top 8 myspace friends Things You Might Actually Be Interested in Knowing Clean, Long Survey (380 Questions Long) Myspace Survey...Tell All! Odd Facts about ME A 40 Question Survey Long Survey About Yourself The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life myspace ♥ survey Your Top 12!! Terms of Service Privacy Policy About News FAQ ContactCopyr myspace love

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myspace love survey:

myspace love survey Oroscopes Login Home People Surveys Quizlets Polls Create A Survey Random A-Z Index Search Top Surveys New Surveys *MySpAcE SuRvEy* Created by stevo23 and taken 134128 times on BzoinkClick to view users that took this survey --THE BASICS-- name birthdate sex relationship status shoe size parents still together siblings pets --FAVORITES-- color number time of year type of weather food drink --DO YOU-- twirl your hair have any tattoos cheat on tests like scary movies like cleaning know how to drive a standard own a cell phone collect anything --HAVE YOU EVER-- been in a fist fight considered a life of crime considered being a hooker been in love made out with myspace love survey.

myspace love survey Just a friend hurt someone you love kicked someone in the nuts --CURRENT-- clothing hair song you are in love with cd in your stereo mood thing you ought to be doing --LOVE-- first crush first kiss first love do you believe in love at first sight do you believe in "the one" are you a tease would you ever commit yourself to someone 100% --ARE YOU-- honest sarcastic a daydreamer up tight or laid back messy or organized shy our outgoing --RANDOM-- nervous habits are you double jointed can you roll your tongue do you make your bed daily which shoe goes on first --IN THE PAST MONTH HAVE YOU-- bought something been sick sang missed someone gotten drunk gotten a haircut watched cartoons been kissed lied --LAST PERSON THAT-- you spent the night with spent the night with you saw you cry made you cry you said "i love you" to told you they loved you --WHAT IS-- the best feeling in the world the worst feeling in the world your greatest fear the thing you want most in life Explore Bzoink More. My top 8 myspace friends Things You Might Actually Be Interested in Knowing Clean myspace love survey, Long Survey (380 Questions Long) Myspace Survey...Tell All! Odd Facts about ME A 40 Question Survey Long Survey About Yourself The Good myspace love survey, The Bad myspace love survey, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life myspace ♥ survey Your Top 12!! Terms of Service Privacy Policy .

myspace love survey Rcut watched cartoons been kissed lied --LAST PERSON THAT-- you spent the night with spent the night with you saw you cry made you cry you said "i love you" to told you they loved you --WHAT IS-- the best feeling in the world the worst feeling in the world your greatest fear the thing you want most in life Explore Bzoink More. My top 8 myspace friends Things You Might Actually Be Interested in Knowing Clean myspace love survey, Long Survey (380 Questions Long) Myspace Survey...Tell All! Odd Facts about ME A 40 Question Survey Long Survey About Yourself The Good myspace love survey, The Bad myspace love survey, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life myspace ♥ survey Your Top 12!! Terms of Service Privacy Policy A.

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myspace love survey
Few years? 018. Do you want to get married? 019. Kids? 020. Best place to go on a date? 021. What is your dream? 022. What do you want to do when you grow up? 023. Play an instrument? 024. List 5 things (inc. brand) you are wearing right now Friends....025. Friend you have known the longest? 026. Best friend(s)? 027. Friend that makes you laugh the most? 028. Friend who you can talk to anything about? 029. Friend with the best personality? 030. Last friend to call you? 031. Last friend to talk to you? 032. Last friend you hung out with? 033. Last friend you went to a movie with? 034. Last friend to make you laugh? 035. Most memorable experience with a friend? 036. Anything you plan to do with friends when you get older? 037. Any trips planned with friends? Opinions Thoughts038. Abortion? 039. Gay rights? 040. Sex? 041. Micheal Jackson? 042. Drugs and alcohol? Other Questions...043. Ever travelled anywhere? 044. What places do you want to visit? 045. Where do you want to live when you're older? 046. How happy are you with where you are in life? Why? 047. What's your most embarrassing moment? 048. Do you have any art or pictures on your walls? Describe it. 049. Do you remember your dreams? 050. Do you believe in love at first sight? 051. Are you a virgin? 052. What was your favorite childhood toy? 053. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? 054. If you were stuck on an island who would you want with you? 055. What's the best thing that could come out of this year? Created: June 20, 2005 by TJ Last Updated: December 19, 2006 Copyright ©1999-2006 by Timothy Miller . All

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