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Logon to myspace. Unication sites. One particular difficulty, which is probably due to its phenomenal popularity, is the fact that some accounts are opened by underage members, in direct violation of their minimum age requirements. For parents, the procedures for deletion of an underage MySpace account fall into the following two primary categories. Regardless of which method is utilized, the site promises that ALL information contained in a deleted account is purged from the site. 1. A parent decides that a child’s account should be closed, and the child is cooperative, the normal procedures are: - Logon to MySpace - Click “Account Settings” - On the “Change Account Settings” page, click on “-Cancel Account-“ - Click on the “Cancel My Account” button in the confirmation box. - Include remarks if desired; then click on the second “Cancel My Account” button to complete the request process. - A cancellation message will be sent to the email logon to

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address of record. Replying to this email is required in order to complete the automated account closure process. 2. Alternative Account Closure Unfortunately, in addition to lying about their age, many kids will use a bogus e-mail address when applying for membership, or may profess to have forgotten their passwords. These circumstances can make it virtually impossible to use the process outlined above. MySpace recognizes this reality and has established special account cancellation procedures. When a parent wishes to close an underage account and either the child is uncooperative, or a technical difficulty precludes the use of the general account closure method, the following procedures can be used. - The first step involves the parent emailing the site, via the contact form discussed earlier, to request that the subject account be closed. This request SHOULD include the minor’s URL number in the form www.myspace.com 17738440. This information can be located on the left-hand s logon to

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logon to myspace age and city state of residence information is AUTOMATICALLY populated into a member’s profile logon to myspace, based on the birthday and zip code fields required for completion of the initial membership form. 3. The site also provides a module designed for members to “rate” each other (from COLD to HOT!) logon to myspace, based on their photos and other profile content. While on the surface this may appear to a harmless exercise logon to myspace, such “comparisons” can be strong catalysts for “flaming logon to myspace, ” cyberbullying and outright harassment logon to myspace, especially among teenage members. 4. Another risk is that information regarding a member’s school is encouraged to be logon to myspace.

logon to myspace Inputted for support of the site’s “Classmate Finder” service. This database can be searched by SCHOOL NAME and STATE in order to identify all members that may attend a particular institution. From the standpoint of protecting a minor’s personal information logon to myspace, this can be VERY risky. Despite the issues noted above logon to myspace, the site owners genuinely desire to provide a safe and enjoyable social venue. This is manifested in several recent undertakings: 1. Very comprehensive Terms of Service guidelines have been developed for the site. These appear to be more in-depth than then those published by similar sites and specific restrictions are clearly outlined (www.myspace.com misc terms.html). 2. When it is suspected that a member does NOT meet the minimum age restrictions logon to myspace, the site is very responsive regarding parental requests to terminate their membership. (They encourage the parent to do this with their child first logon to myspace, as a lesson in responsible and safe Internet use.) If they learn that someone is underage logon to myspace, they delete their profiles and terminate their membership logon to myspace, unilaterally. 3. The site administrators have enlisted the help of WiredSafety.org and our Executive Director and cyberlawyer logon to myspace, Parry Aftab logon to myspace, to provide a comprehensive on-line list of safety “tips” and to make recommendations for .

logon to myspace Outlined (www.myspace.com misc terms.html). 2. When it is suspected that a member does NOT meet the minimum age restrictions logon to myspace, the site is very responsive regarding parental requests to terminate their membership. (They encourage the parent to do this with their child first logon to myspace, as a lesson in responsible and safe Internet use.) If they learn that someone is underage logon to myspace, they delete their profiles and terminate their membership logon to myspace, unilaterally. 3. The site administrators have enlisted the help of WiredSafety.org and our Executive Director and cyberlawyer logon to myspace, Parry Aftab logon to myspace, to provide a comprehensive on-line list of safety “tips” and to make recommendations for h.

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logon to myspace
Be your friend. Click here to visit their page.& 8217;& 8221; I hadn& 8217;t even finished my profile when I started to get people wanting to cross link profiles with me. Buzzzzzzz! & 8220;What was that? Someone just sent me an SMS. From whom, I wonder? & 8216;Amber wants to be your friend. Logon to MySpace and visit their page.& 8217;& 8221; Whoa. Wait a minute. I& 8217;ve been on MySpace for, oh, 15 minutes, and I& 8217;ve got two people& 8212;whom I& 8217;ve never met& 8212;wanting to be my friend. Interesting. I& 8217;ll play. So, in viewing their pages& 8230; these people were just normal, non-whacko& 8217;s just reaching out to people with things their interested in. Or proximity to where they live. Or because I know someone they know. Or whatever. And now that I& 8217;m getting contacted& 8212;again, with no agenda whatsoever& 8212;I can see why people get hooked! One immediately feels part of a community that is, arguably, the trendiest thing going right now. Since I already have a couple of professional blogging outlets, I think I might start using MySpace for more of my personal stuff. I used to be a comedian during the 90& 8217;s and I always liked making humorous, Photoshopped pics. There is quite a thriving community of musicians, comedians, and so forth. So maybe it& 8217;ll become my & 8220;creative outlet& 8221;?! To boot it& 8217;s not all just a hook-up scene. There are a number of  married and & 8220;older& 8221; folks (it& 8217;s relative) looking to connect platonically with friends. So I& 8217;m sure that it& 8217;s not all just about Steve& 8217;s de

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[ Myspace ]